Januari 16, 2011


Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies  that appear on the surface of  the growing medium of  a group of  fungi  (Basidiomycota), which is shaped like  an umbrella: It consists of an upright section ("trunk") and the flat or rounded. Technically biological, fruiting bodies  are called the basidium.

Fungi are plants that lack chlorophyll, so are heterotrophic, cell type: eukarotik cells. The fungus is a unicellular and multicellular. His body consists of threads, called hyphae, hyphae can form a woven branches, called mycelium. Reproduction mushrooms, there are 2 ways of generative and vegetative.

Mushroom shared be 6 clasifications :
 · Myxomycotina is the most simple fungus.
 ·  Has 2 phases of life, namely:
 - vegetative phase (phase mucus) that can move like amoeba, called a plasmodium
 - phase of fruiting bodies
 ·  Reproduction: vegetatively with spores, the spores wanderer called myxoflagelata.
 ·  Example species: Physarum polycephalum

 · His body consists of yarn / hyphae are not insulated, branch out and contain many nuclei.
 ·  Reproduction:
 - Vegetative: that live in water with zoospores, and who live in sporangium and landline with conidia.
 - Generativelly: merging of male and female gametes to form oospora which then grow into new individuals.
 ·  Example species:
a. Saprolegnia sp. : saprophyte living on the dead fish, insects land and water.
b. Phytophora infestans : the cause rot disease on potato.

 ·  Body multicellular.
 ·  Habitat is generally on the ground as saprophyte.
 ·  hyphae are not insulated.
 ·  Reproduction:
 -  Vegetative: with spores.
 - Generativelly: by conjugation hyphae (+) with hlifa (-) will produce zigospora which will grow into new individual.
 ·  Example species:
a. Mucor mucedo: used to live in animal dung and bread.
b. Rhizopus oligosporus: 

 ·  The body is a unicellular and some are multi cellular.
 ·  Ascomycotina, multicellular, its hyphae and the core insulated much.
 · His life: there is a parasite, saprophyte, there is a symbiotic by algae forming Lichenes (Moss scale).
 ·  Reproduction:
 - Vegetative: in unicellular fungi to form shoots, in a multicellular form spores from
-  Generativelly: Shaping askus that produce askospora.
 ·  Example species:
a. Sacharomyces cerevisae: everyday is known as yeast.
-   Useful for making beer, bread or alcohol.
-   Able to convert glucose into alcohol and CO2 with fermentation process.
b.  Neurospora sitophila: oncom mushrooms.
c.  Penicillium chrysogenum Peniciliium noJaJum and antibiotic-producing penicillin.
d.  Camemberti Penicillium and Penicillium roqueforti useful for the scent of cheese.
e.  Aspergillus oryzae to make sake and soy sauce.
f.  Aspergillus wentii to make soy sauce
g.  Aspergillus flavus produce toxins aflatoxin Þ live on grains. flatoksin one cause of liver cancer.
h.  Claviceps purpurea live as parasites in ovaries Gramineae fruit.

 · The characteristics of tool generative reproduction is the form of basidium spore-producing bodies.
 ·  Most, a member of macroscopic-sized species.
 ·  Example species:
1.  Volvariella volvacea:
     mushroom, edible and has been cultivated
2.  Auricularia polytricha:
     ear fungus, and has cultivated edible
3.  Exobasidium vexans:
     parasitic on tea tree causes smallpox or tea leaves blister blight.
4.  Amanita muscaria and Amanita phalloides:
     poisonous fungus, habitat in subtropical areas
5.  Ustilago maydis:
     smut fungi, parasitic on corn.
6.  Puccinia graminis:
     rust fungus, parasitic on wheat

Other names Fungi Imperfecti (mushrooms are not perfect) so named because the fungus is not known for sure how a generative breeding.

Example: Mushroom Oncom before the known breeding generative called Monilia sitophila but after it emerged that a generative breeding askus changed his name to put in Neurospora sitophila Ascomycotina.
Many skin diseases due to fungus (dermatomikosis) are caused by fungi of this group, for example: Epidermophyton fluocosum cause athletes foot disease, Microsporum sp., Trichophyton sp. causes ringworm.

Mikorhiza is symbiosis between fungi with higher plants, fungi from Divisio Zygomycotina, Ascomycotina and Basidiomycotina.

Likenes is a symbiosis between algae with fungi, algae came from blue-green algae or algae, mushrooms comes from the Ascomycotina or Basidiomycotina. Likenes classified as pioneer plants / vegetation pioneer for being able to live in extreme places.

* Usnea dasypoga
* Parmelia acetabularis

Januari 15, 2011

Oyster Mushrooms Information

Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is a fungus that can be eaten including the group of Basidiomycota  and including Homobasidiomycetes  class. With the general characteristics of the fruit body is white until cream and semicircular hood with its head slightly concave. still allied with oyster mushrooms  Pleurotus  eryngii  and often known as King Oyster Mushroom.
 Oyster mushroom body has a stem that grows sideways (Pleurotus), and shaped like an oyster (ostreatus), and oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus have binomial names. Part of the mushroom cap has changed color from black, gray, brown, to white, with a surface almost smooth, 5-20 cm diameter smooth grooved a little dent. In addition, oyster mushrooms also have a rod-shaped spores measuring 8-11 × 3-4μm and white mycelia to grow rapidly.
The fungus was first cultivated in Germany as an act of subsistence during World War I and is now commercially grown across the world as food. However, the cultivation of oyster mushroom was first documented by Kaufert. Oyster mushrooms can also be used by industries for the purpose mycoremediation. Oyster mushrooms can be regarded as a fungus because it contains a statin drug such as lovastatin which works to reduce cholesterol.